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拒绝叙难民:众议院的选择 289-137
假酒喝多了丶 2015-11-20 19:05:27



值得关注的是,数十名民主党议员倒戈,结果议桉以二百八十九票赞成,一百三十七票反对下获得通过,提交参议院审议表决,总统奥巴马曾扬言,会运用权力,否决有关决议,但参众两院若有三分二票数支持,将可推翻奥巴马的否决权,白宫表示,愿就免签证问题与参议员,开展工作,透过立法,应对安全问题 。

We have an obligation to protect Americans from those who seek to take advantage of our generosity at the expense of innocent lives,


CNN:Lawmakers in the U.S. House voted to essentially halt a program aimed at resettling thousands of Syrian refugees fleeing their war-torn homeland — a move that could potentially complicate President Obama's Middle East policy efforts.

The vote, 289-137, also reflects shifting sentiment on an issue where emotions have run deep in the aftermath of a deadly terror in Paris last week which left 129 dead. The House bill would require the FBI to create a background check of any refugee who spent time in Syria or Iraq after March 1, 2011.

The measure also called for the heads of the FBI, Department of Homeland Security and National Intelligence to personally vouch that those admitted aren't a threat, a requirement the White House in its earlier vow to veto the measure called "untenable."

The bill has a veto proof majority and 47 Democrats joined Republicans in voting against the measure. It is unclear if the Senate will take up the measure after they return from Thanksgiving recess.

"It's a security test, not a religious test. This reflects our values. This reflects our responsibilities. And this is urgent," Speaker Paul Ryan told reporters at his press conference on Thursday prior to the vote..

The carnage in Paris sparked worries from a growing chorus of lawmakers on Capitol Hill and more than half of the nation's governors that America could face a similar attack. The Obama administration's plan to resettle 10,000 Syrian refugees to the U.S. in the next fiscal year, opponents say, opens the floodgates to people whose backgrounds have not fully been vetted, are loosely tracked and could have the intent of carrying out terrorist acts on American soil.


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我和我男朋友在一起三年多了 在家里也办了酒席 他19我18没领证 现在有个男宝宝 五个月了 从我和他在一起 他



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