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Torrey DeVitto 专访
爱吃榴莲的小胖纸 2015-12-10 20:50:28

Known for her characters on beloved teen dramasOne Tree Hill,Pretty Little Liars, andThe Vampire Diaries, actress Torrey DeVitto has now taken on a more “adult role.” In the primetime dramaChicago Med, DeVitto portrays Dr. Natalie Manning, an emergency pediatric medicine specialist. While her character is saving lives in the ER, she’s also preparing to bring a new life into the world; at the start of the series, Manning is in her third trimester of pregnancy. But while her character and the new NBC show, which joins theChicago“heroes” trilogy, are intriguing on their own, it’s DeVitto herself who makesChicago Medsound so exciting.

Talking with her, it’s clear that she’s not only proud of her new role, but excited about being a part of this show in particular. Throughout our interview, DeVitto’s thoughts race. She often interrupts herself to interject some new detail about her character or her new show, but she’s careful with the information she reveals. After all, she wants fans to love the show as much as she does, and that means certain details need to be kept under wraps. She laughs as she tells me, “There’s so much I want to say.”

Though she’s no stranger to keeping secrets about the shows she’s been on (looking at you,Pretty Little Liars), DeVitto admits it’s nerve-wracking. “You never want to be that actor that slips something,” she says. “I’ve heard horror stories about that, and I’m terrified.” But DeVitto’s passion for all of her projects is a strong deterrent from any potential spoiler leaks; her unabated enthusiasm makes listeners want to find out the story on their own, no help wanted.

Cliché: OnChicago Med, you play Dr. Natalie Manning. What can you tell us about your role?

Torrey DeVitto:She specializes in pediatrics, but she can also work on adult patients since she’s in the ER. That opens up her range more, and she gets to interact a lot with other doctors. She starts off pregnant—very pregnant. She’s a really fun character to play because she’s got so many different layers. She’s strong and compassionate. She sees the gray in life; she isn’t very black and white. She’s just an awesome character. I love playing her.

What drew you to this character?

I’ve wanted to play a character like her for a really long time. She’s so multidimensional, so adult. I haven’t been able to step into a character my age and really delve into that world yet. I did a little bit inArmy Wives,but it was so short-lived. I also love the character, her level of compassion mixed in with her level of strength. There’s already so much. We’re filming episode three, and there’s been so much that gets revealed about her life and her history. You just see what a strong woman she is. There are so many levels for so many different women to relate to her, which is another thing that I really loved.

Chicago FireandChicago P.D.are huge hits on NBC. How does it feel to be joining theChicagoheroes family?

It’s awesome. It was very exciting to join a show that was part of a franchise that is already doing so well. It’s really thrilling. It makes you scared because you think, “What if this doesn’t work? What did we do wrong?” But it’s great. When I found out that I got this, I watched the pilots of bothChicago FireandChicago P.D.,and I was blown away by the quality. It was so big-looking. The whole show is so grand-looking. It was so beautiful, and the acting was great, so I’m so proud to be a part of this.

There have been other shows about the inner workings of a hospital, each with its own twist—Grey’s AnatomyandHouse, M.D., for example. What makesChicago Meddifferent?I heard that there will be a four-way crossover of theChicagotrilogy and Dick Wolf’s other enormously successful showLaw & Order: SVU, airing sometime in February. Can you tell us anything about this?

There’s going to be a lot of crossovers. I don’t know any details about them yet because it comes up last minute, and I haven’t personally done a crossover yet, but the people that have are like, “Yeah, I got called last night and they said, ‘Tomorrow you’re working onFire.’” To get the schedules to go smoothly, you kind of have to do things like that last minute. I think it’s awesome that they’re doing so many crossovers like that.

For me, what I think makesChicago Meddifferent is that we have the strict medicine side. I feel that we’re really truly honoring the medical world and making everything look as real as possible. I can speak for myself and all the other actors on the show: we are doing the proper training, asking all the questions, and really having firsthand experiences shadowing at the hospital and really pretending like we’re supposed to be there. But we also have equal as much drama as we do medical. We’re honoring that medical world, but we’re also providing a lot of personal drama, like what goes on between the doctors inside. It’s not just about the medical procedures, and it’s not just about the love lives and the drama of it all. It’s a really perfect blend and mixture of the two worlds, and that’s what’s really special about the show. They do a great job of blending the two.

You said you shadowed doctors. Did you have any interesting experiences while doing that?

Yes! I’ve had a lot of experiences. I almost feel like I’d be giving away a secret if I delved too deeply into them. So just to kind of give a broad statement about them… I got to shadow in a hospital and act as if I were a medical student, and it was in the ER, and I saw some crazy things come through. We got to see some pretty intense things firsthand, and it was very eye-opening. I’ve always had a respect for doctors and surgeons and nurses, but the doctors we’ve been shadowing and the ones we’ve had on set—I swear they’re superhumans. What they do is out of this world. I have a whole new respect [for doctors], and I’m learning things that I never even thought I would know about in this lifetime. It’s been quite the education.

You’ve played some interesting characters (Nanny Carrie onOne Tree Hill, Melissa Hastings onPretty Little Liars, Meredith Fell onVampire Diaries). Who would you say was your favorite character to play?You’re also in the psychological thrillerAmy Makes Three. Can you tell us a little about that movie?

Amy Makes Threeis about a young couple whose child passes during labor and what they go through, how they grieve. And it also becomes a psychological thriller, and I will say, without giving anything away, that project was one of the most emotionally demanding things I’ve ever done. It became very personal to me. I feel very attached to that project. I definitely put my all into it, and I hope people will be able to see it and enjoy it because I really loved filming it.

Oh, that’s so hard! I love playing Melissa onPretty Little Liarsbecause that’s the longest character I’ve ever played, since I’ve been playing her since the pilot. And I have to say Troian Bellisario is one of my favorite people to act with. She’s really giving, and she’s so smart and so kind, and I love whenever I get to go back toPretty Little Liars.I feel like it’s a little treat, like a little girls’ date when I get to go see her. Nanny Carrie was definitely one of my favorites because she was so crazy. And the second half of [playing] Nanny Carrie was so much fun for me to delve into such a psychopath and torture Paul Johansson and try to kidnap a child. That was so much fun. I think I have equal amounts of love for those two parts. Those are like the two top favorites for me.

Let’s talkPretty Little Liars. How did you feel about the Big A reveal this past summer?

You know, I loved it. I had no idea what was going on because unless I’m in the episode and I’ve read it, I don’t really know what’s happening, and it’s the kind of show that you have to watch every single episode to understand what’s going on. So I was really curious. When I knew they were revealing that, I looked on Twitter. When I found out who it was, I actually had to ask Troian. When I came in I was like, “So explain this to me.” She did, and I was like, “That’s really cool.” Because there’s so many fan theories out there that I think that they had to do something outrageous to keep the fans, since there were theories about everything. Had they done anything else, somebody would have guessed it, and I think it was very inventive.

The new season ofPLLwill take place five years after the events of the summer finale. Will we be seeing Melissa this coming season onPLL? Any hints of what she’s been up to?

Yes, she is! All I have to say is she’s up to being Melissa. I think that sums it up enough. I think I did two episodes—I can’t remember if it’s two or three though—that are coming up in the mix, but they were fun. I posted it on Instagram so it’s safe to say: I had my first scene—I realizedby ourselves—with Ashley [Benson]. We have never, in the six years the show’s been on, had a scene together, so that was fun to get to work with her. Yeah, Melissa’s just being Melissa.

When you aren’t working, you’re volunteering as a hospice ambassador. What can you tell our readers about your connection to hospice?In addition to acting, you also play the violin. Any musical plans in your future?

I do. I definitely would love a chance to marry my acting world and my music world together, and I might be able to do that someday so that’ll be exciting. This summer, I played for a charity event in LA, and I really loved doing it. I would love to do something like that. I don’t really want to make an album or do anything crazy, but just to incorporate it more into this world that I’m in now and play for charity events and such. My castmates Nick [Gehlfuss] and Colin Donnell both sing or play the guitar. Nick and I keep talking about making aChicago Medband, so we’ll see if that happens.

I volunteer as much as I can whenever I’m not working. I’ve actually already reached out to a hospice out here in Chicago because I want to have somewhere to volunteer on my off-days when I’m working here. Hopefully that’ll work out. We’re trying to get new things out, you know, new t-shirts to help promote to raise funds for hospice, and there’s a new area that we’re going to start working on. It’s a hospice area for pets because once their owners pass, these poor pets are just kind of left with nobody to take care of them. It’s a whole new division that we’re going to try to find a way to get these pets homes after their owners have passed. And the documentary that I did with hospice about child caregivers over in Africa is actually ready for viewing. There’s a little screening that I’m going to up in Indiana this month, where they’re going to screenRoads to Hopewhich I’m excited about, and then hopefully, once I get time in LA, we’ll figure out a way to get a screening in LA as well.

What drew you to this organization?
I was going through a weird time in my life, and I felt unfulfilled in some way, and I thought to myself, “Okay, I’ve got to do something. I’ve got to do something else outside of working.” So I went and volunteered at a children’s hospital for a little bit. I loved it, but I was at a hospital where there [were] a lot of medical students and a lot of medical stuff, and I wanted somewhere that felt like I was there. So I Googled it, and hospice came up on my search. I actually didn’t even know what hospice was, and I just called them, and they said, “Oh, well lucky for you we’re starting a training course this weekend.” I showed up, and I learned about hospice, and I learned about what you have to do. I went to like a three-week training course, and I just fell in love with it. I got my first patient, and I loved it so much.

Since this is the Dec/Jan issue, what are you most excited about in the new year? Any big plans for your career or otherwise?

I haven’t even thought about the new year yet!

It still feels far away, right?

It feels so far away! I’m sure by that time I’ll be most excited for spring because I heard Chicago winters are brutal, but I’m most excited, I guess, just to see what the new year has to offer. I feel like this year has been such a year of changes for me that I’m excited to kind of know what it’ll be like to settle into all these changes and to see where everything takes me. And I’ll also be excited for the summer because my boyfriend is on a show and we have similar filming schedules. He’s in Los Angeles and I’m here [in Chicago], so come the summer we’ll have a hiatus together, and we’re going to do some traveling.

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