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香港全职丨渣打银行 - Associate, CIC Generalist
港漂圈求职 2016-01-06 12:20:18
* 招聘职位Associate, CIC Generalist
* 职位描述1. Provide high quality customer service / solutions with efficient handling of daily operational and administrative tasks
2. Complete Customer Due Diligence (CDD) related to new account opening and periodic reviews
3. Perform comprehensive credit risk analysis, including precise financial statement spreading and credit proposal write-ups covering key risk areas (i.e. business, industry, financial, management, etc)

4. Monitor risks on a daily basis, ensuring prompt reporting and take appropriate actions to deal with irregularities
5. Maintain close relationship with clients to help drive business and monitor risks
6. Liaise with interbank departments to resolve various ad-hoc issues
* 职位要求1. University graduate in any discipline who shows strong analytical, verbal reasoning and interpersonal skills

2. Financial analysis experience, ideally gained from other reputable commercial organization, is required

3. Proficiency in spoken and written Chinese and English is a must. Fluency in Putonghua is required
* 截止日期31 Jan 2016

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