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天天向上20160415期狗狗走秀最后一段音乐 [非常娱乐]
佚名 2016-04-16 10:06:16
天天向上20160415期狗狗走秀最后一段音乐 [非常娱乐]


狗狗走秀最后一段音乐My Songs Know What You Did In The DarkHfJ我酷网

Oh whoa oh oh ohHfJ我酷网

哦喔~ 哦 哦 哦HfJ我酷网

Oh whoa oh oh ohHfJ我酷网

哦喔~ 哦 哦 哦HfJ我酷网

Oh whoa oh oh ohHfJ我酷网

哦喔~ 哦 哦 哦HfJ我酷网

Oh whoa oh oh ohHfJ我酷网

哦喔~ 哦 哦 哦HfJ我酷网

Be-be careful making wishes in the dark, darkHfJ我酷网


Can't be sure when it hit that markHfJ我酷网


And besides in the mean, mean timeHfJ我酷网


I'm just dreaming of tearing you apartHfJ我酷网


I'm in the deep details with the devilHfJ我酷网


From underworld can never get me on my levelHfJ我酷网


I just gotta get you up the cageHfJ我酷网


On my young, lovers rage, gonna need a spark to igniteHfJ我酷网

我是一个年少的复仇情人 只要一点火花点亮HfJ我酷网

My songs know what you did in the darkHfJ我酷网


So light 'em up, up, upHfJ我酷网


Light 'em up, up, upHfJ我酷网


Light 'em up, up, upHfJ我酷网


I'm on FIRE!HfJ我酷网


So light 'em up, up, upHfJ我酷网


Light 'em up, up, upHfJ我酷网


Light 'em up, up, upHfJ我酷网


I'm on FIRE!HfJ我酷网


Whoa oh oh oh ohHfJ我酷网

哦喔~ 哦 哦 哦HfJ我酷网

Oh whoa oh oh ohHfJ我酷网

哦喔~ 哦 哦 哦HfJ我酷网

In the dark, darkHfJ我酷网


Whoa oh oh oh ohHfJ我酷网

哦喔~ 哦 哦 哦HfJ我酷网

Oh whoa oh oh ohHfJ我酷网

哦喔~ 哦 哦 哦HfJ我酷网

In the dark, darkHfJ我酷网


Writers keep writing what they writeHfJ我酷网


Somewhere another pretty vein just diedHfJ我酷网


I got the scars from tomorrow and I wish you could seeHfJ我酷网

That you're the antidote to everything except for meHfJ我酷网

A constellation of tears on your lashesHfJ我酷网

Burn everything you love then burn the ashesHfJ我酷网

In the end everything collides my childhoodHfJ我酷网

Spat back out the monster that you seeHfJ我酷网

My songs know what you did in the darkHfJ我酷网

So light 'em up, up, upHfJ我酷网

Light 'em up, up, upHfJ我酷网

Light 'em up, up, upHfJ我酷网

I'm on FIRE!HfJ我酷网

So light 'em up, up, upHfJ我酷网

Light 'em up, up, upHfJ我酷网

Light 'em up, up, upHfJ我酷网

I'm on FIRE!HfJ我酷网

Whoa oh oh oh ohHfJ我酷网


h whoa oh oh ohHfJ我酷网

In the dark, darkHfJ我酷网

Whoa oh oh oh ohHfJ我酷网

Oh whoa oh oh ohHfJ我酷网

In the dark, darkHfJ我酷网

My songs know what you did in the darkHfJ我酷网

My songs know what you did in the darkHfJ我酷网

So light 'em up, up, upHfJ我酷网

Light 'em up, up, upHfJ我酷网

Light 'em up, up, upHfJ我酷网

I'm on FIRE!HfJ我酷网

So light 'em up, up, upHfJ我酷网

Light 'em up, up, upHfJ我酷网

Light 'em up, up, upHfJ我酷网

I'm on FIRE!HfJ我酷网

Whoa oh oh oh ohHfJ我酷网

Oh whoa oh oh ohHfJ我酷网

In the dark, darkHfJ我酷网

Whoa oh oh oh ohHfJ我酷网

Oh whoa oh oh ohHfJ我酷网

In the dark, darkHfJ我酷网

Whoa oh oh oh ohHfJ我酷网

Oh whoa oh oh ohHfJ我酷网

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