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baidu 2022-04-03 12:04:04
  appeal的音标   英 [pi?l]   美 [pi?l]   appeal的用法   n. 上诉;申诉;吸引力;感染力;魅力;(尤指慈善机构或警方的)呼吁,吁请,恳求   v. 上诉;申诉;有吸引力;有感染力;引起兴趣;呼吁;吁请;恳求   第三人称单数: appeals 复数: appeals 现在分词: appealing 过去式: appealed 过去分词: appealed   appeal的例句   1.This is not another appeal for famine relief.   这不是为赈济饥荒的又一次募捐。   2.He said they would appeal against the decision   他说他们将对该决议提出申诉。   3.Heath's appeal against the sentence was later successful   希思对判决不服提出上诉,后来胜诉了。   4.On the other hand, the idea appealed to him   从另一方面来说,这个想法又使他很感兴趣。   5.Its new title was meant to give the party greater public appeal   新的党名意在使该党对公众具有更强的吸引力。   appeal的常见句型   用作动词 (v.)   用作及物动词   S+ appeal+nhttps://dl.xhd.cn/ksjq/ys/pron.   1.I intend to appeal that judgement.   我打算对判决提起上诉。   2.Five times he appealed the case, always losing.   他上诉五次,都失败了。   3.The defence will appeal the case to the Supreme court.   被告方将案件向法院上诉。   用作名词 (n.)   1.His appeal for forgiveness went unanswered.   他恳请原谅,但没有得到答复。   2.We made an appeal to the villagers for money to build the bridge.   为建造这座桥,我们呼吁村民捐款。   3.This kind of music hasn't much appeal for me.   这类音乐对我没有吸引力。   appeal的常用短语   用作动词 (v.)   appeal against〔from〕 (v.+prep.)   提起上诉 ask a higher court of law to reconsider (a judgment made by a lower court)   appeal for (v.+prep.)   呼吁 make a special request for (usually money or behaviour)   appeal to (v.+prep.)   对…有吸引力 be attracted   appeal的词汇搭配   用作动词 (v.)   appeal+副词   appeal earnestly 恳切地请求   appeal forcibly 强有力地呼吁   appeal irresistibly 不可抗拒地吸引   appeal powerfully 强烈地吸引   appeal profoundly 深深打动   appeal publicly 公开呼吁   appeal strongly 极大地触动   appeal+介词   appeal against 不服…而上诉   appeal against an arbitration 不服仲裁而上诉   appeal against a decision 不服决定   appeal against a judgement 不服判决   appeal for 请求…,呼吁…   appeal for aid 求援   appeal for charity 乞求施舍   appeal for helpers 要一些帮手   appeal for mercy 乞求怜悯   appeal for redress 要求赔偿   appeal from a decision 不服决定   appeal from a judgement 不服判决   appeal to 呼吁,合…的意,引起…的兴趣/注意,求助于   appeal to arms 诉诸武力   appeal to common sense 借助普通常识   appeal to force 诉诸武力   appeal to a higher court 向上一级法院上诉   appeal to low and vulgar taste 迎合庸俗低级趣味   appeal to public opinion 激起社会舆论   appeal to sb for help 请求某人帮助   appeal to the law 诉诸法律   用作名词 (n.)   动词+appeal   address an appeal to 向…呼吁   broadcast an appeal 广播呼吁   deny an appeal 驳回上诉   file an appeal 提出上诉   lose an appeal 上诉失败   make an appeal 恳求   refuse an appeal 拒绝要求   reject an appeal 驳回上诉   respond to sb's appeal 响应某人的呼吁   support an appeal 支持呼吁   throw out appeal 撤回上诉   voice an appeal 发出呼吁   win an appeal 上诉获胜   形容词+appeal   eloquent appeal 有说服力的呼吁   final appeal 最后的呼吁   last appeal 最后的呼吁   ringing appeal 有力的呼吁   strong appeal 强烈要求   artistic appeal 艺术魅力   great appeal 巨大的吸引力   名词+appeal   radio appeal 广播呼吁   box-office appeal 票房价值   sales appeal 销售价值   the prisoner's appeal 犯人的请求   appeal+名词   appeal court 上诉法庭   appeal+介词   appeal against 不服…而提出的上诉   appeal for 呼吁,恳求   appeal for a new trial 重新审理的请求   appeal for extra staff 恳求增添职员   appeal for food 恳求食物   appeal for help 恳求援助   appeal for mercy 恳求宽恕   appeal from 对…上诉   appeal from a decision 不服判决而上诉   appeal to 向…的呼吁   appeal to the public 向公众发出的呼吁   介词+appeal   the right of appeal 上诉权   appeal的真题例句   1.Following the Harvard scandal, Mary Miller, the former dean of students at Yale, made an impassioned appeal to her school's professors to refrain from take-home exams.   2017年12月四级真题(套)阅读 Section B   2.It doesn't really appeal to me.   2018年6月四级真题(第二套)听力 Section B   3.For instance, new technologies that are building upon existing technology have not found their footing well enough to appeal to a mass audience, because, in many cases, they need to work effectively with other devices to realize their full appeal.   2016年12月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B   4.In the other comer is the world's most valuable company, whose chief executive, timothy Cook, has said he will appeal the court's order.   2017年12月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B   5.According to Hume, some works of art can exist for centuries because they appeal to unchanging features of human nature.   2015年高考英语重庆卷 阅读理解 阅读E 题设   6.Any given performance takes a tour bus full of artists, technical experts, managers, musicians, or writers to create an appealing piece of art.   2018年高考英语江苏卷 阅读理解 填空题 原文   7.But her appeal was considered a failure: only 24 companies took it up.   2013年考研真题(英语二)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ   8.Lower- income jobs like gardening or day care don't appeal to robots.   2018年考研真题(英语一)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

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