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Visualize data instantly with machine learning in Google Sheets
米娜 2017-06-03 12:34:18
Even more Sheets updates


We’re constantly looking for ways to improve our customers’ experience in Sheets. Based on your feedback, we’re rolling out more updates today to help teams get work done faster:4GW我酷网

Keyboard shortcuts: Change default shortcuts in your browser to the same spreadsheet shortcuts you’re already used to. For example, delete a row quickly by using “Ctrl+-.” ?Upgraded printing experience: Preview Sheet data in today’s new print interface. Adjust margins, select scale and alignment options or repeat frozen rows and columns before you print your work.Powerful new chart editing experience: Create and edit charts in a new, improved sidebar. Choose from custom colors in charts or add additional trendlines to model data. You can also create more chart types, like 3D charts. This is now also available for iPhones and iPads.?More spreadsheet functions: We added new functions to help you find insights, bringing the total function count in Sheets to more than 400. Try “SORTN,” a function unique to Sheets, which can show you the top three orders or best-performing months in a sales record spreadsheet. Sheets also support statistical functions like “GAMMADIST,” “F.TEST” and “CHISQ.INV.RT.”

These new features in Sheets are rolling out starting today. Learn how Sheets can help you find valuable insights.4GW我酷网

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图片来源: Google ?Google近日宣布Google试算表(Sheets)的探索(Explore)功能更进阶,透过机器学习的应用,能让使用者用自然语言的方式表达分析需求,探索功能就能藉由使用者描述的关键字,自动找到相对应的栏位,




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