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花花世界津津有味 2015-11-17 22:10:23

原文作者:Roger Doiron
出处:Kitchen Gardens International
原文标题:《10 Kitchen Gardens to Visit Before You Die》









  Nearing夫妇所鼓舞了成千上万人。他们的书迷Eliot Coleman和BarbaraDamrosch后来也出版了有机食物畅销书。二人成婚后,以33美元每英亩的价格向Nearing夫妇购买土地(正是起初Nearing夫妇购置土地的的价格,一文不涨),创办了四季农场。四季农场不仅能满足你的眼目,也是学习反季节种植经验的好去处。

  3) 白宫菜园(华盛顿)

​  我已经投身白宫菜园的支持运动15个月了,甚愿这能鼓励人民自己动手丰衣足食。不幸的是,次贷危机促使政府削减开支,白宫旅游的安保费用的大大减少,所以最近你可能很难拜访白宫菜园。但愿问题早点解决,白宫菜园(我们的菜园!)在不久的将来再次向我们开放。

  4) 维朗德里城堡(法国维朗德里)





  6) 基贝拉麻袋菜园(肯尼亚内罗毕)





  8) 食材校园(加利福尼亚州伯克利)





  巴利玛洛烹饪学校作为“西餐界的牛津剑桥”举世闻名,它坐落在爱尔兰东南部地区,四围环绕着100英亩的校属有机农场。教学使用的蔬菜、水果、香草皆由校属菜园出产。该校由名厨Darina Allen创立,DarinaAllen大厨不仅是全爱尔兰最有名的大厨,也是“爱尔兰土产运动”的提倡者之一。


​One thing that gardeners understand better than mostpeople is that compost happens. And what's true for our plants isalso true for us. We're all part of the big cycle of life, death,decay and rebirth and it's not too soon for any of us to startthinking about what we want to see, do, taste and feel before webecome part of that big compost pile in the sky.

In that spirit, I thought it would be fun to start puttingtogether a list of the gardens I'd like to visit before composthappens to me. I'm starting with the three I have seen and continuewith the ones I'd like to see. Which gardens are on your bucketlist and why? Use the comment section below to chime in.

1) Havana's Organopónicos (Havana,Cuba)

While gardens may be about pretty flowers and pesto formany people, in Cuba and other places that have lived through foodcrises, they're about survival. Cuba was stuck between a rock andhard place in the early 1990s due to the collapse of the SovietUnion and the US Embargo. Unable to access food and agriculturalinputs in the international market, Cubans were forced to put newgardens and systems in place for feeding themselves. Havana's urbanfood gardens known as organopónicos are still there today and areshowing the way for other cities interested in becoming more foodindependent. I was so taken by my visit to Havana that I made thisshort video to tell the story of how these gardens came to be.

2) Forest Farm & Four Season Farm(Harborside, Maine)

This is a two-fer is there ever was one: two gorgeous gardenslocated just 5 minutes away and made famous by two inspiringcouples one of them inspired by the other.

The Forest Farm was the final homestead of Helen&ScottNearing and feathers a lovely walled kitchen garden. Although theNearings passed away in the 80s and 90s, their legacy ashomesteaders and social activists lives on via theirs writings andthe Good Life Center which is open to the public in July andAugust.

Among the thousands of people the Nearings inspired were EliotColeman and Barbara Damrosch who would later go on to write bestselling organic books of their own, marry and farm on land thatColeman famously bought from the Nearings for $33 an acre, the sameprice they themselves paid. Coleman and Damrosch's farm, calledFour Season Farm, is a feast for the eyes and their gardens are agreat place to study best practices in the area of seasonextension.

3) The White House KitchenGarden(Washington, DC)

Having worked on the campaign to buildsupport for thisgarden for 15 months, I have a soft spot in my heart for itand muchhope for its ability to inspire people to grow a kitchen gardenoftheir own. Unfortunately, I have less hope these days in ourelected officialsto inspire by their own example. As amazing as theWhite House garden is tovisit, you currently cannot visit it due tothe man-made disaster known asSequestration which has forced theSecret Service to make cuts to its budgetincluding securitystaffing for White House tours. Hopefully, that will beresolve soonand the garden (our garden!) will be open to us onceagain.

4) Potager du Chateau de Villandy(Villandry,France)

The Chateau de Villandry is smaller andless known than theChateau de Versailles, but its edible gardens areconsidered morebeautiful and the standard-bearer for the classic,Renaissance-stylepotager.

5) Monticello (Charlottesville,Virginia)

As the private residence of ThomasJefferson from 1772 to1826, Monticello is well worth the trip on historicalgrounds alone,but for gardeners there's the added appeal of being able toseeJefferson's experiments in horticulture and landscaping upclose. The gardensshow the garden as it is believed to have existedbetween 1807 and 1814.

6) Kibera Sack Gardens (Nairobi,Kenya)

Although travelling to one of the world'spoorest slumsmight not be on the top of your list, Nairobi's Kiberadistrictshows that hope can sprout in the most improbable placesand conditions. Unableto gain access to healthy fresh vegetablesfor their families or the landneeded for growing them, the mothersof Kibera became the mothers of inventionby planting leafy greensin large sacs filled with soil. We can all take someinspirationfrom their creative interpretation of a garden.

7) Amalfi Coast MountainsideGardens(Amalfi Coast, Italy)

Italy. Gardens. Food. Wine. Mountains. Do Ireally need towrite more? I've been to Italy a few times, but still haven'tmadeit to the Amalfi Coast. These steep slopes planted withvegetables,olives, wine grapes and citrus fruit are breathtakingfor the eye and, one hasto assume, the mouth!

8) The Edible Schoolyard(Berkeley,California)

The Edible Schoolyard (ESY) is a one-acreorganic gardenand kitchen classroom for urban public school students atMartinLuther King, Jr. Middle School in Berkeley, California.Started by Chef AliceWaters, this garden has inspired countlessschools and teachers to plant foodgardens of their own. At ESYBerkeley, students participate in all aspects ofgrowing,harvesting, and preparing nutritious, seasonal produce duringtheacademic day and in after-school classes. Students’ hands-onexperience in thekitchen and garden fosters a deeper appreciationof how the natural worldsustains us and promotes the environmentaland social well-being of our schoolcommunity.

9) The Kitchen Garden at Zaytuna Farm (newSouthWales, Australia)

Home to the Permaculture Research Instituteof Australia,Zaytuna Farm serves as a global networking center forpermacultureprojects. The farm is also home to a variety of kitchengardensgrowing diverse vegetables and herbs with species varyingfrom Mediterranean tosubtropical. For those interested in seeinghow kitchen gardens can fit intoand contribute to larger, stableecosystems, this 66 acre site and theknowledgeable permacultureinstructors who maintain it are a strong draw.

10) Ballymaloe Cookery School Gardens(Shanagarry,Ireland)

The Ballymaloe Cookery School is a worldrenownculinary school located in the middle of its own 100-acre organicfarmin Southeast Ireland. Vegetables, fruits and herbs for thecourses are sourcedfrom the school's beautifully maintained kitchengardens. Ballymoe was startedby Chef Darina Allen who is not onlyIreland's best known chef (imagine AliceWaters with a charmingIrish accent) and but also one of Ireland's leadingadvocates forlocally-grown foods.

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