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韩韩232 2015-11-20 12:05:19


作者:何新 发布时间:2013-04-10 来源:何新博客字体:大|中|小




  日期:2012年12月1日格林尼治标准时间 0800下午8时23分41秒



  一份09年美国大使馆的电报中写道:While China has been rightly blamed fornegligence in other instances regarding safety issues, the currentapplication and safety assessment of biotechnology generallyappears to have been done reasonably well with close attention paidto human, animal, and environmental impacts.



















  2009-12-07 09:54



  E.O. 12958: N/A

  BEI JING 00003263 001.3 OF 005

  (U) This cable is Sensitive But Un classified. Please protectaccordingly.


  ?1. (SBU) In early November 2009, China authorized the firstcommercialization of major biotech food crops. A government websiteconfirmed their approval of phytase corn and Bt rice. Despitelittle fanfare, this will revolutionize China's agriculture and maybe the global agricultural development of the decade. Successfulutilization of plant biotechnology by millions of Chinese ricefarmers will likely significantly defuse, if not end, debate aboutthe safety of the technology in China and possibly the developingworld. END SUMMARY.



  ?2. (SBU) On November 21, 2009, Beijing-based Origin Agritechannounced that it is the first company to receive de-regulatedstatus for genetically modified corn for planting in China.Confirmed by China's Ministry of Agriculture (MOA), Origin'sphytase corn product received the final biosafety certificate thatpermits its domestic sale and marketing. China also granted abiosafety certificate to Huazhong University and Dr. Zhang Qifa forBt rice. Reuters first announced the Bt rice news on November 27and it was picked up by the Chinese media on November 30. OnDecember 3, MOA posted formal confirmation of both authorizationson its website. The cultivation of corn will be limited to Shandongprovince and rice will be limited to Hubei province. Moreover,provincial seed registration procedures will likely prevent thefirst direct sales to farmers until at least the 2012 plantingseason.


  ?3. (SBU) In 2008, seven million farmers grew biotech crops inChina, about half of the global total. Chinese farmers grew biotechcrops on 3.8 million hectares of land, making China the sixthlargest producer of biotech crops by land area. Prior to thisannouncement, the list of genetically modified plants approved forplanting in China included: cotton, tomato, sweet pepper, petunia,poplar, and papaya. Cotton and poplar trees are the only biotechplants grown on a large-scale in China. There is also limitedproduction of biotech papaya. China also currently permits 28varieties of biotech corn, cotton, canola, sugar beet, and soybeanto be imported for processing.




  ?4. (SBU) China's record on biotechnology is alreadyimpressive, but the agricultural world has been waiting expectantlyfor China to decide how it would approach the application of plantbiotechnology in food crops. Why is the deregulation of biotechcorn and rice is a ground-breaking event in Chinese agriculture andpossible the history of this technology? The answer is that China'sapplication of plant biotechnology was narrow and omitted severalkey aspects of a country that intends to be a leader in thetechnology. There are three main reasons why current applicationhas heretofore been considered "narrow": 1) avoiding non-foodcrops; 2) using only proven technology; and 3) avoiding decisionsrelated to environmental safety.


  ?5. (SBU) First, China's commercial use of the technology isalmost exclusively limited to non-food plants. Focusing on non-foodplants minimizes the need to analyze the impact on human health,thus reducing risk to regulators and the personal consequences ofmaking an incorrect decision. In addition, food security concernsdo not come into play if the crop fails to produce as advertised orvarious factors lead to yields that are less than conventionalvarieties. Biotech papaya is an exception, but a very minor cropthat accounts for far less than 1 percent of total biotech plantedarea. In fact, this rationale also applies to phytase corn becauseit will not be used directly in human food.


  ?6. (SBU) Second, the majority of the technology in use isproven technology, first tested and used in the United States. Forexample, the majority of the biotech planted area consists of aversion of Roundup Ready cotton created in the United States andmisappropriated for use in China. China's biotech papaya was alsooriginally developed in the United States. Using proven technologyalso limits the risk taken by Chinese regulators, which makes theseearly deregulated events safe choices for hesitant bureaucrats.


  ?7. (SBU) Third, the current biotech agricultural crops arenot native to China or have relatively unimportant wild relativesin China. This is a very important consideration. The stakes arefar higher for regulators when dealing with plants that have wild,weedy cousins or where wild relatives are still important sourcesof genetic information for seed developers. Pollen drift is ofparticular importance in the debate about biotech rice in China andthe rest of Asia. For this reason, the Chinese government pouredextensive time and money into environmental risk analysis.


  ?8. (SBU) Though Chinese leaders have long stated thatbiotechnology can be safely used after proper evaluation, nolarge-scale commercially viable food crops were granted a safetycertificate for the three political and scientific reasonsmentioned above. Even though China has advanced research in allmajor crops and in dozens of traits, the Ministry of Agriculturehas tabled previous biosafety certificate applications andprohibited certain advanced trials; this was notably the case forvitamin A enriched "golden rice." Many experts blamed the delay onrisk-averse bureaucrats who wanted a zero-risk situation in termsof biosafety and press/public reaction in order to protect theircareers.




  ?9. (SBU) Many Chinese senior researchers had been discouragedfrom further research and investment in plant biotechnology by thebarriers faced by developers of food crops and of China-origintechnologies. Cotton is one of the most agrochemical-intensivecrops and Chinese researchers for years have shown the significantreduction in chemical use and improved worker health associatedwith biotech cotton. Despite cotton's obvious success, there was afeeling of frustration in the research community by 2008.


  ?10. (SBU) However, in early October 2009, local contactsreported to AgAttache that there was a private meeting betweenPremier Wen Jiabao and developers of high tech products, includingagricultural products, to discuss these issues. He reportedly toldthe group that while China was a leading investor in biotechnology,it was failing to get new events to market. Wen went on toemphasize that state funded technology should not only bedeveloped, but used as well. This message was seen as the "finalword" on the subject and a strong signal to reluctant bureaucratsthat they could and should move forward and begin approving biotechevents without fear of career suicide if problems arose or therewas negative public reaction.


  ?11. (SBU) Chinese researchers in all agricultural fields havebeen encouraged by Wen Jiabao's support and the newcommercializations. Not only does it mean that existing researchcan now accelerate, it also means that the Ministry of Agriculturewill no longer be reluctant to distribute the billions of dollarsthat have been pledged to agricultural research. China will nowlikely forge ahead with many of the first generation products thatprovide benefits to producers and also second generation traitsthat are more consumer, plant stress and environment focused.During bilateral meetings, China has repeatedly emphasized thattheir top priority is drought-tolerant traits in corn and otherfood crops.


  ?12. (SBU) Background regarding China's biotechnology researchand regulatory process can be found in FAS China's AnnualBiotechnology Report. The most recent update was published onAugust 3, 2009, and is labeled as GAIN Report CH9060. It can befound at www.fas.usda.gov.

  关于中国生物技术研究和管理程序的背景资料可以在FAS(美国农业部外国农业服务处)中国年度生物技术报告中找到。最近的更新发布于2009年8月3日,标签为谷物报告GAINReport CH9060,可在www.fas.usda.gov找到。



  ?13. (SBU) Bt technology has a long history of use in theUnited States, including Bt potatoes, Bt corn, Bt sweet corn, Btsugar beet, and Bt alfalfa. In the case of Bt crops, the gene ofinterest produces a protein that kills harmful plant pests andallows growers can use Bt traits as an alternative to sprayinginsecticides. The -Bt delta endotoxin was selected for many cropsbecause it is highly effective at controlling Lepidoptera larvae atthe stage when they cause the most damage to the plant. The proteinis very selective, generally not harming insects in other orders(such as beetles, flies, bees and wasps).


  ?14. (SBU) Phytase is currently used as an additive in animalfeed to breakdown phytic acid in corn, which holds 60 percent ofthe phosphorus in corn. Phytase increases phosphorus absorption inanimals by 60 percent. Phosphorus is an essential element for thegrowth and development of all animals, and plays key roles inskeletal structure and in vital metabolic pathways. Phytase, as anadditive for animal feed, is mandatory in Europe, Southeast Asia,South Korea, Japan, and other regions for environmentalpurposes.


  ?15. (SBU) Phytase transgenic corn, developed by and licensedby Origin from the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science (CAAS)after seven years of study, can allow feed producers to eliminatethe need to phytase and corn separately. It will also eliminate theneed to mix the two ingredients together, thus saving time,machinery, and labor for feed producers.


  ?16. (SBU) Origin's GMO phytase-producing corn is expected toreduce the need to add inorganic phosphate supplements to feed asthe animals will directly absorb more phosphate. The replacementeffect reduces feed cost. Additionally, inorganic phosphates may becontaminated with fluorine and heavy metal residues created in themanufacturing process. These fluorine and heavy metal residues inthe feedstuff are toxic to animals and dangerous to humans.


  ?17. (SBU) As described above, these traits are not directlyrelated to yield. The benefits of these traits largely mean lowerinput costs for farmers (Bt rice) or the feed manufacturing chain(phytase corn), which ultimately benefit the farmer through lowerinput costs or a premium sales price. There will be some yieldadvantage to Bt rice because of reduced pest damage, but theprimary yield attributes of the seed remain its conventionally-bredgenetics.




  ?18. (SBU) While granting the biosafety certificate is amilestone in terms of public policy, it will likely be severalyears before these seeds are in the hands of farmers. First, seedcompanies will need to register each biotech seed variety withprovincial authorities and prove stability and effectiveness.[Note. This requirement applies to conventional varieties as well.End Note.] Testing can take two years or more. Following provincialapproval, the company will then need to replicate enough seed forcommercial sale. As a result, Chinese farmers may not see theseseeds on sale until the 2012 planting season or beyond. Thoughfarmers and livestock producers may want to see the technology infields sooner, this is a normal timeframe for the development andmarketing of new seeds in China, conventional or biotech. Anotherpuzzling limitation is that the crops were each authorized forplanting in only one province, which will severely constrict theircommercial viability if the scope of use is not later broadened.Sources suggest that this limitation was the trade-off for beingthe pioneering commercialization.


  ?19. (SBU) The commercialization of these crops in China couldpose challenges for U.S. regulators, especially if China decidesnot to seek import approval. U.S. regulators have no/limitedknowledge of these events and, despite Chinese assurances, theevents could get into trade channels, thus raising the possibilitythat a biotech event unapproved for use in the Unites States isbeing imported.


  ?20. (SBU) Chinese (whole grain) rice exports are about $24million and corn exports are very minimal. However, rice and cornby-products are pervasive in small quantities as food ingredientsin processed foods, which make up the bulk of Chinese exports offood products to the United States. This makes exports of corn orrice containing products much larger but also hard to preciselydetermine. Though trade is small, how will China deal with exports?Will the Chinese companies seek regulatory approval for theirproducts in export markets like the United States? MOA has statedto AgAttache that foreign registration is the company/developer'sresponsibility, though they will provide some informationalresources in a way similar to what FAS does for U.S. companies.


  ?21. (SBU) China has already had problems in biosafetycontainment with experimental Bt rice, which is somewhat similar tothe U.S. experience with biotech rice. According to the ChineseGovernment, there was "a case of illegal use" of Bt 63 rice inHubei province in 2005 that resulted in the limited but unapprovedplanting of the rice in 2005 and 2006. Though China claims to haveeliminated Bt rice from cultivation, it was detected in exportshipments to Europe and New Zealand in 2007 and 2008. Thus,questions about China's next steps relating to export markets interms of deregulation and potential certification of food productshave significance for U.S. regulators and consumers. Discussions onthis subject were initiated by U.S. biotechnology regulators duringthe 2009 U.S./China Biotechnology Working Group meeting.




  ?22. (SBU) Surprisingly, the news about phytase corn was noteven initially released in China and Bt rice not mentioned at all.The corn news was released by Origin for benefit of its USshareholders and Reuters announced the Bt rice event. The OriginCEO told AgAttache that MOA recommended that he not release thenews, though he finally persuaded them to the valuable nature ofthe news for his investors. MOA is very conservative and riskaverse when it comes to biotechnology policy and controversy andthe Chinese have very close reign on negative comments aboutbiotechnology in agriculture. [Note. MOA publically ignored the EUcomplaints about Bt rice contamination of export shipments and,with the exception of a subdued Greenpeace, the Chinese press didnot even run the story. End Note.]


  ?23. (SBU) However, given that rice is such a staple part ofmost Chinese citizens' diets, a public campaign to promote Bt riceseems inevitable either now or when the rice hits the consumermarket. Given the high profile of certain riceresearchers/academicians and the developer Zhang Qifa, China islikely to roll out a high-visibility campaign to laud theachievements of its own researchers and smiling peasants whosehealth will improve due to using less pesticides. The firstindications of a tentative press rollout are a series of smallarticles published in the People's Daily appearing on December 1and 3.




  ?24. (SBU) This move by China may prove to be the concludingchapter in the initial debate about plant biotechnology. Thougharound for decades, various actors have promoted doubts about safeuse of the technology, especially in developing countries. Thoughalmost thirty countries plant 140 million hectares each year, thebig developing countries have not moved into biotech food crops ina significant way with the exception of large food exporters. AsChina moves to start using plant biotechnology, largely fordomestic purposes, the size and interconnectedness of the countrywill expand the sheer numbers of farmers growing biotech crops,consumers eating the derived food, and products developed outsideof the multinational technology companies. China's sheer sizeencourages other developing countries to follow its lead andmarginalizes those blindly opposed to the technology itself. If theindications are correct and India also approves biotech food crops,the world will be a much more receptive place for the safeapplication of the technology than just a few years ago.


  ?25. (SBU) However, forging ahead with the promise ofbiotechnology is predicated on China's safe use of it. While Chinahas been rightly blamed for negligence in other instances regardingsafety issues, the current application and safety assessment ofbiotechnology generally appears to have been done reasonably wellwith close attention paid to human, animal, and environmentalimpacts. China's increasing investment in this area and itspotential impact on the U.S. consumer and environment suggest thatcooperation with China grows more important as it becomes a globalleader in this technology.




作者:何新 发布时间:2013-04-10 来源:何新博客字体:大|中|小




  日期:2012年12月1日格林尼治标准时间 0800下午8时23分41秒



  一份09年美国大使馆的电报中写道:While China has been rightly blamed fornegligence in other instances regarding safety issues, the currentapplication and safety assessment of biotechnology generallyappears to have been done reasonably well with close attention paidto human, animal, and environmental impacts.



















  2009-12-07 09:54



  E.O. 12958: N/A

  BEI JING 00003263 001.3 OF 005

  (U) This cable is Sensitive But Un classified. Please protectaccordingly.


  ?1. (SBU) In early November 2009, China authorized the firstcommercialization of major biotech food crops. A government websiteconfirmed their approval of phytase corn and Bt rice. Despitelittle fanfare, this will revolutionize China's agriculture and maybe the global agricultural development of the decade. Successfulutilization of plant biotechnology by millions of Chinese ricefarmers will likely significantly defuse, if not end, debate aboutthe safety of the technology in China and possibly the developingworld. END SUMMARY.



  ?2. (SBU) On November 21, 2009, Beijing-based Origin Agritechannounced that it is the first company to receive de-regulatedstatus for genetically modified corn for planting in China.Confirmed by China's Ministry of Agriculture (MOA), Origin'sphytase corn product received the final biosafety certificate thatpermits its domestic sale and marketing. China also granted abiosafety certificate to Huazhong University and Dr. Zhang Qifa forBt rice. Reuters first announced the Bt rice news on November 27and it was picked up by the Chinese media on November 30. OnDecember 3, MOA posted formal confirmation of both authorizationson its website. The cultivation of corn will be limited to Shandongprovince and rice will be limited to Hubei province. Moreover,provincial seed registration procedures will likely prevent thefirst direct sales to farmers until at least the 2012 plantingseason.


  ?3. (SBU) In 2008, seven million farmers grew biotech crops inChina, about half of the global total. Chinese farmers grew biotechcrops on 3.8 million hectares of land, making China the sixthlargest producer of biotech crops by land area. Prior to thisannouncement, the list of genetically modified plants approved forplanting in China included: cotton, tomato, sweet pepper, petunia,poplar, and papaya. Cotton and poplar trees are the only biotechplants grown on a large-scale in China. There is also limitedproduction of biotech papaya. China also currently permits 28varieties of biotech corn, cotton, canola, sugar beet, and soybeanto be imported for processing.




  ?4. (SBU) China's record on biotechnology is alreadyimpressive, but the agricultural world has been waiting expectantlyfor China to decide how it would approach the application of plantbiotechnology in food crops. Why is the deregulation of biotechcorn and rice is a ground-breaking event in Chinese agriculture andpossible the history of this technology? The answer is that China'sapplication of plant biotechnology was narrow and omitted severalkey aspects of a country that intends to be a leader in thetechnology. There are three main reasons why current applicationhas heretofore been considered "narrow": 1) avoiding non-foodcrops; 2) using only proven technology; and 3) avoiding decisionsrelated to environmental safety.


  ?5. (SBU) First, China's commercial use of the technology isalmost exclusively limited to non-food plants. Focusing on non-foodplants minimizes the need to analyze the impact on human health,thus reducing risk to regulators and the personal consequences ofmaking an incorrect decision. In addition, food security concernsdo not come into play if the crop fails to produce as advertised orvarious factors lead to yields that are less than conventionalvarieties. Biotech papaya is an exception, but a very minor cropthat accounts for far less than 1 percent of total biotech plantedarea. In fact, this rationale also applies to phytase corn becauseit will not be used directly in human food.


  ?6. (SBU) Second, the majority of the technology in use isproven technology, first tested and used in the United States. Forexample, the majority of the biotech planted area consists of aversion of Roundup Ready cotton created in the United States andmisappropriated for use in China. China's biotech papaya was alsooriginally developed in the United States. Using proven technologyalso limits the risk taken by Chinese regulators, which makes theseearly deregulated events safe choices for hesitant bureaucrats.


  ?7. (SBU) Third, the current biotech agricultural crops arenot native to China or have relatively unimportant wild relativesin China. This is a very important consideration. The stakes arefar higher for regulators when dealing with plants that have wild,weedy cousins or where wild relatives are still important sourcesof genetic information for seed developers. Pollen drift is ofparticular importance in the debate about biotech rice in China andthe rest of Asia. For this reason, the Chinese government pouredextensive time and money into environmental risk analysis.


  ?8. (SBU) Though Chinese leaders have long stated thatbiotechnology can be safely used after proper evaluation, nolarge-scale commercially viable food crops were granted a safetycertificate for the three political and scientific reasonsmentioned above. Even though China has advanced research in allmajor crops and in dozens of traits, the Ministry of Agriculturehas tabled previous biosafety certificate applications andprohibited certain advanced trials; this was notably the case forvitamin A enriched "golden rice." Many experts blamed the delay onrisk-averse bureaucrats who wanted a zero-risk situation in termsof biosafety and press/public reaction in order to protect theircareers.




  ?9. (SBU) Many Chinese senior researchers had been discouragedfrom further research and investment in plant biotechnology by thebarriers faced by developers of food crops and of China-origintechnologies. Cotton is one of the most agrochemical-intensivecrops and Chinese researchers for years have shown the significantreduction in chemical use and improved worker health associatedwith biotech cotton. Despite cotton's obvious success, there was afeeling of frustration in the research community by 2008.


  ?10. (SBU) However, in early October 2009, local contactsreported to AgAttache that there was a private meeting betweenPremier Wen Jiabao and developers of high tech products, includingagricultural products, to discuss these issues. He reportedly toldthe group that while China was a leading investor in biotechnology,it was failing to get new events to market. Wen went on toemphasize that state funded technology should not only bedeveloped, but used as well. This message was seen as the "finalword" on the subject and a strong signal to reluctant bureaucratsthat they could and should move forward and begin approving biotechevents without fear of career suicide if problems arose or therewas negative public reaction.


  ?11. (SBU) Chinese researchers in all agricultural fields havebeen encouraged by Wen Jiabao's support and the newcommercializations. Not only does it mean that existing researchcan now accelerate, it also means that the Ministry of Agriculturewill no longer be reluctant to distribute the billions of dollarsthat have been pledged to agricultural research. China will nowlikely forge ahead with many of the first generation products thatprovide benefits to producers and also second generation traitsthat are more consumer, plant stress and environment focused.During bilateral meetings, China has repeatedly emphasized thattheir top priority is drought-tolerant traits in corn and otherfood crops.


  ?12. (SBU) Background regarding China's biotechnology researchand regulatory process can be found in FAS China's AnnualBiotechnology Report. The most recent update was published onAugust 3, 2009, and is labeled as GAIN Report CH9060. It can befound at www.fas.usda.gov.

  关于中国生物技术研究和管理程序的背景资料可以在FAS(美国农业部外国农业服务处)中国年度生物技术报告中找到。最近的更新发布于2009年8月3日,标签为谷物报告GAINReport CH9060,可在www.fas.usda.gov找到。



  ?13. (SBU) Bt technology has a long history of use in theUnited States, including Bt potatoes, Bt corn, Bt sweet corn, Btsugar beet, and Bt alfalfa. In the case of Bt crops, the gene ofinterest produces a protein that kills harmful plant pests andallows growers can use Bt traits as an alternative to sprayinginsecticides. The -Bt delta endotoxin was selected for many cropsbecause it is highly effective at controlling Lepidoptera larvae atthe stage when they cause the most damage to the plant. The proteinis very selective, generally not harming insects in other orders(such as beetles, flies, bees and wasps).


  ?14. (SBU) Phytase is currently used as an additive in animalfeed to breakdown phytic acid in corn, which holds 60 percent ofthe phosphorus in corn. Phytase increases phosphorus absorption inanimals by 60 percent. Phosphorus is an essential element for thegrowth and development of all animals, and plays key roles inskeletal structure and in vital metabolic pathways. Phytase, as anadditive for animal feed, is mandatory in Europe, Southeast Asia,South Korea, Japan, and other regions for environmentalpurposes.


  ?15. (SBU) Phytase transgenic corn, developed by and licensedby Origin from the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science (CAAS)after seven years of study, can allow feed producers to eliminatethe need to phytase and corn separately. It will also eliminate theneed to mix the two ingredients together, thus saving time,machinery, and labor for feed producers.


  ?16. (SBU) Origin's GMO phytase-producing corn is expected toreduce the need to add inorganic phosphate supplements to feed asthe animals will directly absorb more phosphate. The replacementeffect reduces feed cost. Additionally, inorganic phosphates may becontaminated with fluorine and heavy metal residues created in themanufacturing process. These fluorine and heavy metal residues inthe feedstuff are toxic to animals and dangerous to humans.


  ?17. (SBU) As described above, these traits are not directlyrelated to yield. The benefits of these traits largely mean lowerinput costs for farmers (Bt rice) or the feed manufacturing chain(phytase corn), which ultimately benefit the farmer through lowerinput costs or a premium sales price. There will be some yieldadvantage to Bt rice because of reduced pest damage, but theprimary yield attributes of the seed remain its conventionally-bredgenetics.




  ?18. (SBU) While granting the biosafety certificate is amilestone in terms of public policy, it will likely be severalyears before these seeds are in the hands of farmers. First, seedcompanies will need to register each biotech seed variety withprovincial authorities and prove stability and effectiveness.[Note. This requirement applies to conventional varieties as well.End Note.] Testing can take two years or more. Following provincialapproval, the company will then need to replicate enough seed forcommercial sale. As a result, Chinese farmers may not see theseseeds on sale until the 2012 planting season or beyond. Thoughfarmers and livestock producers may want to see the technology infields sooner, this is a normal timeframe for the development andmarketing of new seeds in China, conventional or biotech. Anotherpuzzling limitation is that the crops were each authorized forplanting in only one province, which will severely constrict theircommercial viability if the scope of use is not later broadened.Sources suggest that this limitation was the trade-off for beingthe pioneering commercialization.


  ?19. (SBU) The commercialization of these crops in China couldpose challenges for U.S. regulators, especially if China decidesnot to seek import approval. U.S. regulators have no/limitedknowledge of these events and, despite Chinese assurances, theevents could get into trade channels, thus raising the possibilitythat a biotech event unapproved for use in the Unites States isbeing imported.


  ?20. (SBU) Chinese (whole grain) rice exports are about $24million and corn exports are very minimal. However, rice and cornby-products are pervasive in small quantities as food ingredientsin processed foods, which make up the bulk of Chinese exports offood products to the United States. This makes exports of corn orrice containing products much larger but also hard to preciselydetermine. Though trade is small, how will China deal with exports?Will the Chinese companies seek regulatory approval for theirproducts in export markets like the United States? MOA has statedto AgAttache that foreign registration is the company/developer'sresponsibility, though they will provide some informationalresources in a way similar to what FAS does for U.S. companies.


  ?21. (SBU) China has already had problems in biosafetycontainment with experimental Bt rice, which is somewhat similar tothe U.S. experience with biotech rice. According to the ChineseGovernment, there was "a case of illegal use" of Bt 63 rice inHubei province in 2005 that resulted in the limited but unapprovedplanting of the rice in 2005 and 2006. Though China claims to haveeliminated Bt rice from cultivation, it was detected in exportshipments to Europe and New Zealand in 2007 and 2008. Thus,questions about China's next steps relating to export markets interms of deregulation and potential certification of food productshave significance for U.S. regulators and consumers. Discussions onthis subject were initiated by U.S. biotechnology regulators duringthe 2009 U.S./China Biotechnology Working Group meeting.




  ?22. (SBU) Surprisingly, the news about phytase corn was noteven initially released in China and Bt rice not mentioned at all.The corn news was released by Origin for benefit of its USshareholders and Reuters announced the Bt rice event. The OriginCEO told AgAttache that MOA recommended that he not release thenews, though he finally persuaded them to the valuable nature ofthe news for his investors. MOA is very conservative and riskaverse when it comes to biotechnology policy and controversy andthe Chinese have very close reign on negative comments aboutbiotechnology in agriculture. [Note. MOA publically ignored the EUcomplaints about Bt rice contamination of export shipments and,with the exception of a subdued Greenpeace, the Chinese press didnot even run the story. End Note.]


  ?23. (SBU) However, given that rice is such a staple part ofmost Chinese citizens' diets, a public campaign to promote Bt riceseems inevitable either now or when the rice hits the consumermarket. Given the high profile of certain riceresearchers/academicians and the developer Zhang Qifa, China islikely to roll out a high-visibility campaign to laud theachievements of its own researchers and smiling peasants whosehealth will improve due to using less pesticides. The firstindications of a tentative press rollout are a series of smallarticles published in the People's Daily appearing on December 1and 3.




  ?24. (SBU) This move by China may prove to be the concludingchapter in the initial debate about plant biotechnology. Thougharound for decades, various actors have promoted doubts about safeuse of the technology, especially in developing countries. Thoughalmost thirty countries plant 140 million hectares each year, thebig developing countries have not moved into biotech food crops ina significant way with the exception of large food exporters. AsChina moves to start using plant biotechnology, largely fordomestic purposes, the size and interconnectedness of the countrywill expand the sheer numbers of farmers growing biotech crops,consumers eating the derived food, and products developed outsideof the multinational technology companies. China's sheer sizeencourages other developing countries to follow its lead andmarginalizes those blindly opposed to the technology itself. If theindications are correct and India also approves biotech food crops,the world will be a much more receptive place for the safeapplication of the technology than just a few years ago.


  ?25. (SBU) However, forging ahead with the promise ofbiotechnology is predicated on China's safe use of it. While Chinahas been rightly blamed for negligence in other instances regardingsafety issues, the current application and safety assessment ofbiotechnology generally appears to have been done reasonably wellwith close attention paid to human, animal, and environmentalimpacts. China's increasing investment in this area and itspotential impact on the U.S. consumer and environment suggest thatcooperation with China grows more important as it becomes a globalleader in this technology.




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