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李威廉老师 2015-12-14 14:45:17
李威廉40道雅思写作预测题 题库范文集


1, 社会生活类;

2, 教育类话题;

3, 全球化话题;

4, 政府政策类;

5, 科技发展对于生活的影响;

6, 生活方式和社会影响;

7, 城乡差距和城市化;

8, 文化的组成和保护

9, 犯罪类话题;


邀请5位雅思考友加Dianfengyasi,雅思写作和口语系统资料:第四季度雅思写作40道一级预测题范文集,《绝杀雅思写作宝典》,《绝杀雅思阅读宝典》,《口语53道预测题(12 月,第四季度考试》以及预测题答案》,写作范文集,雅思最全面复习资料。慷慨相送,免费获取。

社会生活类 5道题

1,题目:With the increasing use of mobile phone and computer, people are losingthe ability to communicate face to face. To what extent do you agree ordisagree?


It is true that people now have easyaccess to many things via mobile phones and computers. In my view, these waysof communication seemingly make the face-to-face communication unnecessary andlargely reduce the chances for them to talk in the face of each other. However,their communicative abilities are never harmed or eroded.


On the one hand, common citizens cancommunicate more freely with the aid of mobile phones and computers, by which usersoften send Email, share the views on the internet and ask for immediate help orsuggestions from their friends or relatives. In most occasions, we need nothave to meet each other to arrange the dates of marriage and feel unnecessary tovisit a friend in a hurry without important profit ties.


On the other hand, the convenience ofcommunication by modern technologies does not mean the reduction in abilitiesto communicate face to face. More critically, by practicing more through theinternet or telephones, communicators have practiced their abilities frequentlyand then strengthened their abilities to talk. Of people can understand clearlyabout each other without any additional help of body language, we surelybelieve that they can achieve more effective and efficient face-to-facecommunication.


It should be more reasonable toconclude that the general abilities to communicate among men and women arelargely inborn, naturally determined and depending on personalities. However,it indeed bears little relevance with communication methods or tools. It meansthat some are good at communicating especially in face when they can delivertheir words together with facial expression or gesture. Interestingly, we foundno degeneration of communication capacities as making telephones and internetchat sometimes eliminates the chances of face to face communication.


In summary, although the individualsseem to lose more chances to talk in front of each other just because of the moderncommunication tools, we can hardly expect the diminishing abilities offace-to-face communication. Conversely, we are more likely to see the strengthenedcapacities.

2,题目: People change their jobs and place of residence severaltimes during life. Is this a positive or negative development on individual orsociety?


There was a commonly accepted principle for the adultsliving in one place for a whole lifespan and even working in one job duringtheir whole career life. However, now, an increasing number of young adults arelikely to live in a more diversified career, and to transfer their dwellingsfrequently.


On the one hand, the frequent transfer in jobs andinhabitants probably bring about the high flexibility in lifestyles and morediversified feelings of living experience. The quintessence of human being liesin the unpredictability in terms of working patterns, living experience andsocial bonds. Therefore, the employees persistently adjust until they settledin the most suitable state. In recent years, the buzzword of “multi-careereven gains increasing popularity. It is often reported that a highly skillfulphysics teacher transferring to an internet shop owner becomes possible andeven a public service officer finally settle in the owner of internationalchain bread store.



However, from the more in-depth perspectives, the youth whoare frequent job-hoppers are extremely possible to live in the unstable life style,lacking the sense of security. As reported in the business magazines, itaveragely requires at least 8 years for the green-hands to be top managers andeven at least 21 years to be the CEO in the top 500 corporations.


In some words, it is too arbitrary to evaluate the statementby drawing definite conclusions. As long as the conclusion heads for a moremulti-faceted experience in life, the tendency must be generally positive aspeople have rights to make choice and to make change by their own.

Many people believe that the human society hasdeveloped into a throw-away society, which is filled with plastic bags andrubbish. What are the causes and solutions?


? 人口增长(population growth)导致人们对物质需求的加大,这必定会导致垃圾的增多(the increment of rubbish);?人们对垃圾可能导致的问题意识不强(awareness of wasteissues);

? 消费者消费过多(over-consume)—次性产品(short-lived or disposable items)。


? 颁布法律严厉控制垃圾任意排放(discharge of refuse);

? 改良工业生产(modify industrial production),减少照片的使用(reduce raw material inputs);

? 采取相关垃圾循环再利用措施(disposal and recycling schemes),大力宣传对垃圾的回收和利用,提高人们的环保意识。


Although waste disposal does not grab aheadline as frequently as many other environmental issues do, it does not mean that it is lessserious. As a matter of fact, the treatment of garbage continues to be aproblem worldwide. Despite its sizable influence, many citizens have not yetrealized the seriousness of this issue. It is the goal of this article tooutline the potential causes of this problem and suggest possible solutions.

People should first recognize that theincrement in garbage is a natural result of the social and economicdevelopment. Unethical businesses are the main creators of industrial waste,including heavy metal, chemicals, plastic, and other durable and non-recyclablematerials. People's quest for a better standard of living gives them incentivesto manufacture a rich variety of consumer goods and disregard the potentialimpact on environment. This practice can date back to the earliest days ofindustrial revolution, producing enormous waste that are unable to be recycledand causing an environmental disaster.

Another potential reason for the slowprogress in waste treatment is people's low awareness of the opportunities toreduce, reuse and recycle waste. Many people do not have a firm stand againstover-consumption and excessive production of disposable items. Besides, manycitizens are not environmentally conscious, disposing of wastes whenever andwherever they consider convenient. Meanwhile, many manufacturers tend to usevirgin materials, rather than recyclable materials in the course of production.That's why many communities are facing a, particularly difficult position inwaste treatment.

The best approach to address waste issuesis simply to minimize its generation. It is primarily because the more wastepeople produce, the more waste they have to cope with. Waste recycling offersanother means, although it requires the spontaneous commitment of bothbusinesses and citizens. Additionally, laws should be set out to regulatecorporation behaviour and make their operation environmentally friendly.

It is clear that the problem of wastedisposal exists due to people's ever-growing demand for manufactured goods andslow response to the impact of this problem on the environment. Tackling thisproblem depends not only on individual's effort to keep the waste to a minimumbut also on businesses' attempt to optimise their manufacture and reduce theinputs.


1. garbage=refuse=waste=rubbish:垃圾 2.unethical=immoral:不道德的

3. creator=maker:创造者 4.quest=pursuit:对…的追求,渴望

5. earliest days=outset =start=onset:开始 6.recycle=reuse:重新使用

7. awareness=consciousness:意识 8.stand=stance=position:立场

9. virgin material=raw material:原材料 10.set out=lay out=enforce:实施,制定

11. input=resources used:使用的照片

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