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Week 7 - 第七周—懂得你所具有的技能并运用它们 / Understand the Skills You Have and Employ Them
有你有茶有幸福 2016-01-04 13:45:16

Week 7 – Understand the Skills You Have and Employ Them


In Week 6 we discussed the entrepreneurial journey andappreciating the struggles we have along the way and learning from them. Thisweek I talk about how your skill set is applicable to many more applicationsand problems than you probably realise.


No one can be a master of everything. That’s a fact. When Istarted my business I thought I had to be, and realising I wasn’t was a bignegative to me. Then I realised that I only had to be a master of one thingbecause mastering everything else just takes time. If you can master one thingyou can master anything because the recipe is the same.


I am a trained engineer and specialised in two areas ofengineering through my career. That was it. However, the top ten skills I haveprobably seven of them were developed and directly related to those jobs. If Itake those skills out of that application they can still be applied to acompletely different industry. Project management is a key skill which can beused if you are building a mine or selling bananas. We often don’t realise theoverarching skill set we have because we are used to applying it to a singleproblem, or similar set of problems, again and again in our jobs. When Istarted my own company I understood that by breaking a general skill down intothe many skills which make it up I could then apply all the separate skills inmy own way to suit varying problems in areas which I had little experience.


For example, project management is the overarching skill butthere are many skills that you use as a project manager such as logistics,communication and cost control. I found that when I stopped working as anengineer I found it useful to stop referring to myself as an engineer. That wasmy past, I just learned to focus on my skills and work out how they could makeme money.


You will have a skill that you are better at than mostpeople. For me that is communication, verbal presentation and a high level ofsocial skills. That was perfect for getting new clients and presentingprojects. I still use my superior skills in that area to get ahead because Iknow that I am weaker in other areas. In my days of working for someone elsethat skill wasn’t as valuable as it is now but I always took the opportunity touse it and make it work in my favour.


Write down five main overarching skills that you use in youwork. Then break each one of those down in to five subsets with more specificskills. If nothing more this will actually give you a huge confidence boost asit will highlight what you can actually do. I use all my skills every day inone form or another and I also try to develop in areas where I am not sostrong.


When we work for someone else in a job with a jobdescription we get so familiar with what we are doing, regardless of itscomplexity that we take for granted what we actually do. When working foryourself there is no job description per se so you have to harness all youskills and abilities and have them close to hand at all times to ensure youovercome the next obstacle.


Next week I’ll discuss finding a mentor and how beneficialasking for guidance as assistance will be in both your business development andpersonal growth.


About The Author


Alex Biggs is a co-founder of the coffee company KultKoffee. In the distant past he was an engineer where he discovered his love forcoffee and like all good loves he made it his business. Alex is originally fromLondon but now lives in both Australia and China with his girlfriend where heis learning Mandarin and developing Kult Koffee in to an international brand.Weibo ID: Biggze / WeChat ID: Biggze888

阿里克斯·比格斯是Kult Koffee咖啡公司的联合创始人。多年以前,他曾是一位工程师。也就在那时,他发现了自己对咖啡的热爱。他喜欢各种优质的咖啡,并使它成为了自己的事业。阿里克斯来自英国伦敦,但现在,他与自己的女友有时居住在澳大利亚,有时居住在中国。在中国,他正在学习普通话,并正在将KultKoffee发展成为一种国际品牌。

WeiboID: Biggze / WeChat ID: Biggze888


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