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猎神冬日之战主题曲MV观看 Halsey [非常娱乐]
佚名 2016-04-16 10:36:21
猎神冬日之战主题曲MV观看 Halsey [非常娱乐]

p>由克里斯·海姆斯沃斯、查理兹·塞隆、杰西卡·查斯坦、艾米莉·布朗特四位好莱坞一线明星主演的动作史诗大片《猎神:冬日之战》(The huntsman winter's war),将于4月22日在全球上映。今日片方正式发布主题曲MV,94年出生的美国人气女歌手Halsey化身翻版邪恶女王”倾情演唱《Castle》。Oln我酷网













Castle - HalseyOln我酷网

<iframe allowfullscreen="true" frameborder="no" height="86" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src="http://music.163.com/outchain/player?type=2&id=409872857&auto=1&height=66" width="330"></iframe>Oln我酷网

Sick of all these people talking,Oln我酷网

sick of all this noiseOln我酷网

Tired of all these cameras flashing,Oln我酷网

sick of being poisedOln我酷网

And now my neck is open wide,Oln我酷网

begging for a fist around itOln我酷网

Already choking on my pride,Oln我酷网

so there's no use crying about itOln我酷网

I'm headed straight for the castleOln我酷网

They wanna make me their queenOln我酷网

And there's an old man sitting on the throneOln我酷网

that's saying that I probably shouldn't be so meanOln我酷网

I'm headed straight for the castleOln我酷网

They’ve got the kingdom locked upOln我酷网

And there's an old man sitting on the throneOln我酷网

that's saying I should probablyOln我酷网

keep my pretty mouth shutOln我酷网

Straight for the castleOln我酷网

Oh, all these minutes passing,Oln我酷网

sick of feeling usedOln我酷网

If you wanna break these walls down,Oln我酷网

you’re gonna get bruisedOln我酷网

And now my neck is open wide,Oln我酷网

begging for a fist around itOln我酷网

Already choking on my pride,Oln我酷网

so there's no use crying about itOln我酷网

I'm headed straight for the castleOln我酷网

They wanna make me their queenOln我酷网

And there's an old man sitting on the throneOln我酷网

that's saying that I probably shouldn't be so meanOln我酷网

I'm headed straight for the castleOln我酷网

They’ve got the kingdom locked upOln我酷网

And there's an old man sitting on the throneOln我酷网

that's saying I should probablyOln我酷网

keep my pretty mouth shutOln我酷网

Straight for the castleOln我酷网

There's no use crying about itOln我酷网

There's no use crying about itOln我酷网

There's no use crying about itOln我酷网

There's no use crying about itOln我酷网

I'm headed straight for the castleOln我酷网

They wanna make me their queenOln我酷网

And there's an old man sitting on the throneOln我酷网

that's saying that I probably shouldn't be so meanOln我酷网

I'm headed straight for the castleOln我酷网

They’ve got the kingdom locked upOln我酷网

And there's an old man sitting on the throneOln我酷网

that's saying I should probablyOln我酷网

keep my pretty mouth shutOln我酷网

I'm headed straight for the castleOln我酷网

They wanna make me their queenOln我酷网

And there's an old man sitting on the throneOln我酷网

that's saying that I probably shouldn't be so meanOln我酷网

I'm headed straight for the castleOln我酷网

They’ve got the kingdom locked upOln我酷网

And there's an old man sitting on the throneOln我酷网

that's saying I should probablyOln我酷网

keep my pretty mouth shutOln我酷网

Straight for the castleOln我酷网



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