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花样男团20160625期信回忆最难忘的一顿饭后的背景音乐 [非常娱乐]
佚名 2016-06-26 14:43:17
花样男团20160625期信回忆最难忘的一顿饭后的背景音乐 [非常娱乐]


Coming Home - Skylar Grey8hv我酷网

And the blood will dry underneath my nails8hv我酷网

and the wind will rice up to fill my sails8hv我酷网

so you can doubt and you can hate8hv我酷网

but I know, no matter what it takes8hv我酷网

I'm coming home I'm coming home8hv我酷网

tell the world I'm coming home8hv我酷网

let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday8hv我酷网

I know my kingdom awaits and they've forgiven my mistakes8hv我酷网

I'm coming home I'm coming home8hv我酷网

tell the world I'm coming ..8hv我酷网

Still far away from where I belong8hv我酷网

but it's always darkest before the dawn8hv我酷网

so you can doubt and you can hate8hv我酷网

but I know, no matter what it takes8hv我酷网

I'm coming home I'm coming home8hv我酷网

tell the world I'm coming home8hv我酷网

let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday8hv我酷网

I know my kingdom awaits and they've forgiven my mistakes8hv我酷网

I'm coming home I'm coming home8hv我酷网

tell the world I'm coming ..8hv我酷网

I'm coming home I'm coming home8hv我酷网

tell the world I’m coming home8hv我酷网

let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday8hv我酷网

I know my kingdom awaits and they’ve forgiven my mistakes8hv我酷网

I'm coming home I'm coming home8hv我酷网

tell the world I'm coming .. home8hv我酷网

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