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天天向上20160729期林依晨选水果王的音乐是什么歌 [非常娱乐]
佚名 2016-07-30 10:52:02
天天向上20160729期林依晨选水果王的音乐是什么歌 [非常娱乐]


林依晨选水果王的音乐 we are the championssTc我酷网

I've paid my duessTc我酷网

Time after timesTc我酷网

I've done my sentencesTc我酷网

But committed no crimesTc我酷网

And bad mistakessTc我酷网

I've made a fewsTc我酷网

I've had my share of sandsTc我酷网

Kicked in my facesTc我酷网

But I've come throughsTc我酷网

And I need to go on and on and on and onsTc我酷网

We are the champions - my friendsTc我酷网

And we'll keep on fighting till the endsTc我酷网

We are the championssTc我酷网

We are the championssTc我酷网

No time for loserssTc我酷网

'Cause we are the champions of the worldsTc我酷网

I've taken my bowssTc我酷网

And my curtain callssTc我酷网

You've bought me fame and fortunesTc我酷网

And everything that goes with itsTc我酷网

I thank you allsTc我酷网

But it's been no bed of roses no pleasure cruisesTc我酷网

I consider it a challenge before the whole human racesTc我酷网

And I ain't gonna losesTc我酷网

And I need to go on and on and on and onsTc我酷网

We are the champions - my friendsTc我酷网

And we'll keep on fighting till the endsTc我酷网

We are the championssTc我酷网

We are the championssTc我酷网

No time for loserssTc我酷网

'Cause we are the champions of the worldsTc我酷网

We are the champions - my friendsTc我酷网

And we'll keep on fighting till the endsTc我酷网

We are the championssTc我酷网

We are the championssTc我酷网

No time for loserssTc我酷网

'Cause we are the championssTc我酷网

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