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星际迷航3摇滚插曲Sabotage歌词赏析在线听 [非常娱乐]
佚名 2016-09-05 15:16:23
星际迷航3摇滚插曲Sabotage歌词赏析在线听 [非常娱乐]

星际迷航3里一首超燃的摇滚插曲吸引了大家的注意,据悉这首摇滚歌曲的名字叫做Sabotage,Sabotage这首摇滚曲来自Beastie Boys。Ci5我酷网

I can't stand it I know you planned itCi5我酷网

  I'm gonna set it straight, this watergateCi5我酷网

  I can't stand rocking when I'm in hereCi5我酷网

  Because your crystal ball ain't so crystal clearCi5我酷网

  So while you sit back and wonder whyCi5我酷网

  I got this fucking thorn in my sideCi5我酷网

  Oh my God, it's a mirageCi5我酷网

  I'm tellin' y'all it's sabotageCi5我酷网

  So listen up 'cause you can't say nothin'Ci5我酷网

  You'll shut me down with a push of your button?Ci5我酷网

  But yo I'm out and I'm goneCi5我酷网

  I'll tell you now I keep it on and onCi5我酷网

  'Cause what you see you might not getCi5我酷网

  And we can bet so don't you get souped yetCi5我酷网

  You're scheming on a thing that's a mirageCi5我酷网

  I'm trying to tell you now it's sabotageCi5我酷网

  Why; our backs are now against the wallCi5我酷网

  Listen all of y'all it's a sabotageCi5我酷网

  Listen all of y'all it's a sabotageCi5我酷网

  Listen all of y'all it's a sabotageCi5我酷网

  Listen all of y'all it's a sabotageCi5我酷网

  I can't stand it, I know you planned itCi5我酷网

  But I'm gonna set it straight this watergateCi5我酷网

  But I can't stand rockin' when I'm in this placeCi5我酷网

  Because I feel disgrace because you're all in my faceCi5我酷网

  But make no mistakes and switch up my channelCi5我酷网

  I'm buddy rich when I fly off the handleCi5我酷网

  What could it be, it's a mirageCi5我酷网

  You're scheming on a thing - that's sabotageCi5我酷网

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