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What advice would you give to a friend about breaking a habit? 如何改掉一个习惯?(原创小文)
英语老师乔一丝 2016-01-05 14:50:31
If my friends wanted to kick a bad habit and sought advice from me, I would first ask them why they need to break this habit and how they would benefit from getting out of it. To make this more vivid, I would ask them to draw two pictures which are their current situations and their future lives. After that, I would help them make a detailed plan to achieve their goals and make sure that they themselves participate in this process as well. For instance, we can brainstorm what challenges they may face during the process of breaking a habit and find solutions to them in advance. All these records will be kept so that they can use them as references afterwards.

Apart from that, I would also provide them with some hands-on strategies, which could help them succeed in breaking a habit. An example is keeping a diary; the purpose of doing it is to make their achievements visible. Through regular reflection, they are likely to gain motivation and confidence. In addition, it is also important to remind them to reward themselves if they follow their plans well.

To sum up, although it can be difficult to get rid of a habit that you have had for a length of time, by constantly reminding yourself about the right thing to do and some of the positive changes you may see in the future, you will be more self-disciplined and therefore, attain your goals.

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