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baidu 2022-04-12 11:24:43
  原标题:说的英文别人老是听不懂怎么破?   There are many reasons for communication breakdown. Most times it is because of simple mechanics,things like pronunciation and grammar.Instead of getting into all the minor details of these things—we’ll save that for other classes—today, we’ll just look at 4 major reasons why people can’t understand your English. Don’t worry, I’ll include some simple suggestions for you to improve.   造成交流障碍的原因有很多。大多数时候都是类似的因素,比如发音不好或者语法太烂。今天我们不一一详细展开——之后会在其它的推送上给大家进行讲解。今天,我们聚焦在四个点上。当然,我也会给大家提一些实用的改进建议。   Phonetics   音标   My friend told me an interesting story about an exchange he had with one person before. This person was saying how he, in his hometown, took a shipacross a river. This left my friend confused. Why? Because he meant to say “ship” but he was saying “sheep”. My friend was wondering, “How the heck do you take a sheep across a river? Like do you ride it?”   我朋友曾经和我说过这样一个故事。他和一个人在聊天,那个人说在他的家乡,他是如何坐船过河的。当时我朋友听了一脸萌比。因为这个人本来要说“ship(船)”,结果他说成了“sheep(绵羊)”。我朋友当时就在想:你怎么可能骑着羊过河呢?难道你要骑过去?   Needless to say, my friend quickly realized the mix up and understood that his friend took a “ship”, and not a “sheep”, across the river.   当然,我朋友马上意识到了这个问题,知道他说的是乘坐”ship”而不是“sheep”过河。   Suggestion: Practice your listening skills.What? Yeah, really. Training your ear is half the battle when it comes to pronunciation. If you can hear it, you can say it—in most cases. Occasionally, you’ll have to look up the actual way a sound is made in your mouth. Do that, for sure, but for practicing your listening skills, I recommend listening to speeches slowly. Take the speed down to 80% or 90%. Every now and then try to imitate the speaker.   建议:刻意练习你的听力技巧。没搞错吧!练习听力?对的。在发音上,你耳朵磨得越灵敏,你就几乎成功了一半。如果你听得懂,你肯定能说出来——至少大多数时候是这样的。有时候,你得查一下你所说内容的正确发音方式。我建议可以慢速地听一些英文演讲。把速度降到80%或者90%。时不时地刻意模仿朗读者的发音。(Echo亲测有效!)   Too Quiet   说话声音太小   Every now and then I’ll have a student ask me a question. They’ll ask me something, and because I can’t hear them I say, “What?” Then they stop talking, or perhaps start talking to a friend to help them translate. Instead of repeating what they said again, they just stay silent. This happens frequently enough to be an issue in the classroom. All they really need to do is say what they said before but just a little LOUDER. Unfortunately, they are more afraid of making mistakes than trying to communicate their ideas, and that really is too bad. Are you this way?   时不时会有学生来问我问题,当我听不清楚的时候,我就会说:“什么?” 这时他们就不说话了,或者求朋友帮忙翻译一下。没有再把他们的话重新说一遍,他们仅仅只是保持沉默。这种情况在课堂上尤为常见。其实小伙伴们需要做的只是大声把刚才的话重复一遍。很不幸,大多数时候小伙伴宁愿不表达想法也不要犯错。这真是太糟糕了。弱弱地问一句:你也是这样吗?   Suggestion: Make your mistakes loudly. I’ve said this before, but it is worth repeating. In fact, most of you already know this. But do you do it?   建议:大声点,大声点,大声点,勇敢地犯错吧。重要的事情值得说三遍。其实,你们大多数人都懂这个简单点道理,但是你们实践了吗?   I hate this advice, haha. It applies to me when I speak Chinese. I prefer to mumble and hope that someone gets the main idea of what I want to say. Don’t do that. Make your mistakes nice and loud, especially with your teachers! They are there to teach you after all. Part of learning is getting correction. Correction means making what is wrong and into what is right. Don’t shy away from that.   提这条建议,我挺心虚的,因为我学习中文也面临同样的问题。我比较喜欢含含糊糊地说话,希望别人能明白我的主旨大意。不要这样做。友善且大声地说话吧,即使犯错,尤其和你老师进行交流时,这点尤其重要。因为老师是希望帮助你进步的。学习的一个重要步骤就是获得反馈,反馈意味着将错的纠成对的。   Limited Vocabulary   词汇量太少   I remember hearing a story about a guy who memorized an entire English dictionary. I initially thought, “Wow, what a waste of time.” Now, a few years later, I realize that although that example is extreme, it is not totally wrong. English does have quite a wide and broad vocabularly. For example, just right there in the previous sentence I used the words “wide” and “broad” to communicate an idea. Actually, I could have just chosen one of those words and would have still been able to communicate the idea I wanted to. However, it is useful to know connotations of words and know when to use the right word at the right time to get different senses or feelings communicated. English can be a very picky language. But first, what does the word connotation mean?   我曾经听说过一个人背下了整部字典。一开始我觉得这样有点浪费时间,几年后转念一想,虽然这样做有点极端,但并非全是坏事。英语词汇非常庞杂。比如刚才的句子里,我用到了“wide”和“broad”这样的词汇来表达想法。事实上,我依然可以选择其它的词汇来表达同样的意思。然而,知道不同语境下单词的不同意思,并且知道如何正确使用它们是很有用的。英语是一门很“挑剔”的语言。但是,首先我们得明白,什么是“connotation”。   Source: bing.com   So, not only do you want to expand your vocabulary, but you also want to understand the connotation of words. How should you do that?   所以,你不仅需要扩充你的词汇,你也想知道单词的不同意思。该如何做呢?   Suggestion: Read books! Any book! This is the best way. In fact, memorizing a dictionary or a word list is a great way to memorize definitions, but it’s usually a terrible way to learn word connotation. The best way to learn word connotation is to find words in their “natural habitat”. Where is that? In books. That means you should read a lot! When you find a word you don’t know, look up the definition and pay attention to the way it was used in that particular sentence or paragraph.   建议:大量阅读。开卷有益。这是最好的方法。事实上,背字典或者单词列表是一个记忆意思的很好方法,但是它们却不是记语义的好方法。了解单词语义的最好方式是回到单词的“自然栖息地”去。这样的“自然栖息地”在哪里呢?书籍。你应该大量地去阅读。当你看到一个你不认识的词时,去使用该单词的句子或者段落中查找它的意思。   Lack of Confidence   缺乏自信   A while back a friend introduced me a friend of his who was preparing for her graduate exam. She was a nice girl, but to be honest, she tested my patience a bit. How so? She wanted to practice her English but she was really, really shy. Now, I’m a teacher, so I know that I have to be extra patient with some people when speaking English. That’s fine. In this case, I chose to be patient and gracious, but it took some energy because she constantly chose to start speaking, then stop, then cover her face for a minute, and then after some coaxing and encouragement, she would start speaking again.   不久前,一个朋友给我介绍了一个考研的姑娘。这个姑娘人非常好,但是老实说,她有点考验我的耐心了。她想要练习英语,但是她太害羞了。我现在是一个老师,所以我懂得当别人说英语时,我得格外耐心。和她交流过程中,我尽量保持耐心和亲切,尽管她一直说一会,停一会,然后蒙一会脸。在一些鼓励下,她又重新开始说起来。   Some people might treat you this way. Bless their hearts, haha. Don’t expect most people to do that. I was doing this person a favor. However, naturally, I wouldn’t want to be friends with somebody who was always this way. Not because this person a bad person, but because this person takes away a lot of unnecessary energy. Her lack of confidence was draining. Generally, people don’t like to be around people who are hard to be around.   有些人可能像我这样耐心地和你说话。他们真是太善良了。但是不要期待大多数人会这样做。我是帮这个小伙伴一个忙。正常情况下,我是不会想和宗师这样说话的人交朋友的。并不是说他们人不好,而是这样交流很费力气。她太缺乏自信了。一般而言,人们是不会想和难以打交道的人相处的。   Things ended up well for her though, she became more confident and was more willing to speak up.   幸运的是,她慢慢变得自信起来,并且乐于交流。   Suggestion: So, what is something you can do? Well often times, I find, that we feel the most insecure when we don’t understand what someone is telling or asking us. In this situation, I recommend that you do one thing: Ask, “Sorry, what do you mean?”   建议:所以,在缺乏自信的情况下,我们该如何做呢?我发现当我们不能理解别人所说的或者所问的问题时,我们是最感到不安的。在这种情况下,我建议你做一件事,问:“不好意思,你说的是什么意思?”   This is a great question. It shows that you don’t understand, but that you are listening. Also, it causes the other person to say their idea in a different, often more simple or direct way. It improves communication. Try it next time   这是一个很好的问题。这说明你不理解,但是你在努力倾听。而且,这也让说话的人用一种不同的,通常更简单、直接的方式再传达一遍意思。这会显著提升沟通效率。下次可以试一试。   Conclusion   结论   Alright, that does it for this week. Those were a few reasons why people don’t understand your English. I hope those tips were helpful! Thanks for joining me this week.   好啦,以上就是大多数人不能理解你所说英文的主要原因。我希望今天的建议对大家有用,欢迎大家在留言板给我留言。虽然不一定及时回复,但是我都会一一细看的。你们想收听什么节目,也可以给我留言。   Until next time…   下周再见啦!爱你们。   美化排版 | TingGold   封面图片 | 谢淼淼   审核校对 | 张津   翻译|Echo   ~(点击这里,立刻报名,带你飞~)返回搜狐,查看更多   责任编辑:

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