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佚名 2015-10-30 10:40:48



I know what I want, the pulse it feeds,

The winds through the weeds of grass,

Here I stand Here I stand, knee deep in the past-

The sky is tarnished with the sensitivity

Have we failed to measure up ability

Searching the closet for the left behind,

Prerequisite yet this is so hard to find,

I wade through the swamp until there's land,

So, here I am a species of a remnant called man

I think we're closing in cause

Here we are, here we are again

Moving forward into time and space

Everything remains the same

Looking back to what we once had

Nothing seems to change

I took the souls of 20 young men

Then blender and sender into a perfect specimen

Return to the eye of the storm

I touch the mic, the magnetic field gets warm

I upset but not yet ready to detonate

But not wait for you to set your

Ass back at that gate

Never find my friend again untl

The end cause here we go,

Here we go again

Check the culprit who got hit

From the pulpit of Dr. Strauss

Says Caget is it

From 20 leagues beneath the sea

It's D.A.V.I.D. with Hyper I.M.A.G.E.

Moving forward into time and space

Everything remains the same

Looking back to what we once had

Nothing seems to change

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