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特朗普政府员工被要求打包行李 特朗普政府员工被要求打包行李
2020-12-24 11:21:38
On December 23, an email from the Executive Office of the president of the United States showed that trump government employees would begin to leave the White House in two weeks, and clean up their desks and pack office supplies from January 4 next year. The email lists what needs to be done. 消息称,特朗普政府将在两周后开始撤离白宫,尽管目前其竞选团队仍在努力推翻关键州的选举结果,但在内部,白宫正在为特朗普政府的离任做准备


12月23日,美国总统行政办公室的一封电子邮件显示,特朗普政府员工将在两周后开始撤离白宫,明年1月4日起,清理自己的办公桌,打包办公用品 【特朗普政府员工被要求打包行李】日前,特朗普政府员工被要求打包行李,据说将于两周后准备离开白宫

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